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The Magic Bowls-小学英语故事

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-03-24 17:21:15

很多同学苦恼自己的英语成绩一直没有明显的提高,在平时的学习中,同学们多阅读好的文章,这不仅能提高同学们的阅读能力,还能提高同学们的写作水平,对英语综合能力的提高有很大的帮助,以下是The Magic Bowls-小学英语故事。

A dove laid an egg in the hollow of a big tree in front of the blacksmith's house. When she flew away from her nest in search of food, the blacksmith's wife stole the egg. The dove came back to her nest and found the egg missing. The dove knew at once that the blacksmith's wife must have taken it. So she went to the woman and pleaded, "Give me back my egg, please."

The blacksmith's wife pretended that she knew nothing about it and said, "What egg are you talking about? I didn't see any egg." The dove was heartbroken and flew about looking for help. On the way she met a pig, who asked, "Why are you crying, little bird?"

She said, "O pig, can you help me? Will you dig up the yams of the blacksmith's wife who stole my egg?"

"No, not I," grunted the pig, walking away.

She then met a hunter, who asked, "Why are you in tears, little bird?"

The bird said, "Will you shoot an arrow at the pig who wouldn't dig up the yams of the blacksmith's wife who stole my egg?"

"Why should I? Leave me out of this," said the hunter, walking away.

The dove wept some more and flew on till she met a rat, who also asked why she was in tears. The dove said, "Will you gnaw and cut the bowstring of the hunter who wouldn't shoot the pig who wouldn't dig up the yams of the blacksmith's wife who stole my egg?"

The rat too said, "Not I," and went his own way.

以上是The Magic Bowls-小学英语故事的基本内容,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助,同学们也不要盲目阅读,要根据自己的实际情况,找到适合自己水平的来阅读。

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